Pharmacetical translation

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Pharmaceutical Document Translation Services

We Provide translation services for pharmaceutical texts and documents for over 15 years through a network of 241,772 professional native speaking translators from around the world who translate into more than 100 languages.nThe pharmaceutical industry is characterized by companies that operate in international markets, making it is essential to have clear, accurate, and consistent pharmaceutical translations for their products. The importance of a translation with high quality standards in this area is clear: for exmple, both end consumers and health care professionals base their choice of pharmaceutical product to use based on the information contained in the packaging or package inserts.nTranslation is needed in every stage of the process of introducing a product or pharmaceutical treatment to a foreign market: from clinical trials to production, from marketing to packaging. Translated is able to provide accurate and reliable translations in all these stages, helping pharmaceutical companies expand their scope beyond national borders.nnOur most requested types of pharmaceutical translations:n

•tScientific articles

•tPharmaceutical bulletins

•tInformed consent forms

•tDocumentation for regulatory agencies

•tLeaflets, Manuals for research laboratories

•tProtocols of clinical trials

•tRegulations and legislations

•tClinical study reports

•tMarket surveys

We translate virtually any electronic format, preserving the original format and maintaining layout.

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Document Translation
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